Traffic From To Google Quality Rater In Analytics

When a Google quality rater visits your page, have you ever seen them? It doesn’t happen as rarely as you thought. It was even on this page. If you look in your statistics for referral traffic, you can find it.

Here is a screenshot from Glenn Gabe’s Twitter account that shows this health and medical site having 444 users and 478 sessions from referral traffic

Referral Analytics from Google Raterhhub

I checked to see which pages had visited on this site in the past year, and they were of these two types:

  • It looks like Greg Sterling is leaving Search Engine Land.
  • Google fixes a bug that sent people to SlashFilm and other movie blogs.

You might be wondering why those two pages were there, but hey, raters will rate.

I wrote about these raters and the Rater Hub for the first time in 2005, if you can believe it. Keep in mind that the quality raters standards can also be found at Google changed those rules for the last time in December 2022.

This is what Glenn tweeted about it:

Rater Hub

There is no straight link between quality raters and how you rank in Google Search, just so you know. These people looking over your website doesn’t mean anything for SEO.