How to Make Money on YouTube: A Full Guide for 2024

How to Make Money on YouTube: A Full Guide for 2024

Rosanna Pansino started a YouTube page in 2011 to show off her nerdy-themed baked goods. As long as she liked baking and video games, it stayed a fun side project.

In 2014, though, everything changed. Over 5 million people have watched her “Nintendo Cartridge Cake” film.

She made the decision to make YouTube her full-time job and made it possible for people to pay to watch her videos. Soon, brands started calling to sponsor her videos, and her “Nerdy Nummies” series became a huge hit.

Rosanna now has more than 14 million YouTube followers, and just the ads and sponsorships on her main channel bring in about $1 million a year.

We want you to know that you can do it too if you follow the right steps, have patience, and write great material.

How to Make Money on YouTube: This Guide will show you how to do it and help you understand how YouTube’s marketing system works.

How to make money on YouTube: an explanation

To learn how to make money on YouTube, you need to take a close look at how it makes money.

You should pay attention to ad income, how important views, subscribers, and engagement are, and make sure you follow the rules of the YouTube Partner Programme (YPP).

Ad income is the main way that YouTube makes money. YouTube gets paid by advertisers to put ads on videos, and the authors get some of that money.

This income sharing is very important because it encourages creators to make high-quality, interesting content that gets more viewers and, in turn, more advertisers.

There are different types of ads, such as display ads, overlay ads, video ads that can be skipped or not, bumper ads, and paid cards.

How much money these ads bring in depends on things like the type of ad, how long it runs, and whether people watch it or not.

YouTube Advertising Formats

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One important way that YouTube shares income is through CPM (Cost Per Thousand Impressions) and RPM (income Per Thousand Views).

CPM is how much marketers pay for every thousand ad impressions, and RPM is how much money YouTube and other sources make from ads and other sources for every thousand views.

More money can be made when the CPM and RPM numbers are higher.

How views, subscribers, and interaction affect the amount of money you can make

Most of the time, more views mean more ad hits and possible clicks, which means more money. But not all views can be turned into money (for example, views with ad blockers don’t bring in any ad income).

Even though subscribers don’t have an effect on earnings directly, having more subscribers usually means more views and involvement. Subscribers are more likely to watch and interact with new material, which makes it more visible and appealing to advertisers.

Engagement indicators are very important. These include likes, comments, shares, and watch time. YouTube’s algorithm likes videos that get a lot of comments and likes, which makes them more likely to show up in search results and suggestions, which can lead to more views and possible earnings.

A look at the conditions for the YouTube Partner Programme (YPP)

Creators must meet certain requirements in order to be qualified for the YPP:

  • At least 1,000 people who join.
  • At least 4,000 hours of watch time in the last 12 months.
  • At least 10 million real public shorts views
  • Following all of YouTube’s rules for making money.
  • An AdSense account that is linked for payment.

Once a creator is in the YPP, they can make money from ads, channel memberships, super chats in live shows, and a cut of the money that YouTube Premium makes when people watch their videos.

Along with being a part of YPP, you have to follow YouTube’s rules. If you don’t, you could lose your money or be kicked out of the programme.

Creators can apply for YPP as long as they meet the conditions. The video is then checked by YouTube to make sure it follows all the rules and community standards.

YouTube Partner Programme

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How to figure out how much money you make on YouTube: a closer look

If producers want to learn how to make money on YouTube, they need to know how earnings are calculated:

Things that affect earnings

  1. CPM (Cost Per Mille): Marketers pay a certain amount of money every time one of their ads is shown 1,000 times on a video. This is called CPM. Rates for CPM depend on many things, such as where the audience is located, the type of video, and the time of year (for example, rates tend to be higher during the holidays).
  2. RPM stands for “Revenue Per Mille”: This number shows how much money you made from ads, memberships, super chats, and other sources for every 1,000 video views, minus YouTube’s normal 45% cut. RPM gives a fuller picture of a channel’s earning possibilities than CPM does on its own.
  3. Audience Demographics: Advertisers pay more for certain groups of people. In the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, for example, CPMs are often higher for viewers there. Also, ads that target people of certain ages or hobbies can be more profitable.
  4. Video Engagement: Videos that get more likes, comments, and shares are more likely to be pushed by YouTube’s algorithm, which can lead to more views and possible earnings.
  5. Type of material: Advertisers like material that is safe for families and doesn’t cause problems. Videos with sensitive or controversial subjects might not be able to make much or any money from them.
  6. Watch Time: People who watch movies for longer periods of time may see more ads, which can help the business make more money.

Estimate your earnings with these tools and formulas

  1. YouTube analytics: Creators can use YouTube Analytics in their channel panel to see CPM and RPM rates in real time, which shows them how much money they are making right now.
  2. Tools that guess how much money you make: Online tools like Social Blade guess how much money you make on YouTube by looking at public data like the number of views and subscribers.
  3. Basic formula: To get a rough idea of how much money you can make, add the number of video views by the cost per view (CPM) and divide by 1,000. Do not forget to take out YouTube’s 45% part.

Examples of earnings based on views

How much money can you make on YouTube if your video gets 100,000 views?

With a CPM of $2 (which can change a lot) and YouTube’s cut, a video that gets 100,000 views could make around $110. (100,000 / 1,000) $2 55% = $110.

How much money can you make if a video gets a million views?

If the CPM stays the same, a movie that gets 1 million views could make around $1,100. (1,000,000 / 1,000) $2 55% = $1,100.

How much money can you make if 10 million people watch your YouTube video?

At this level, the pay is pretty good. The same math gives us about $11,000. (10,000,000 / 1,000) $2 55% = $11,000.

 earnings based on views

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Tips for making the most money on YouTube

To make the most money on YouTube, you need to focus on advertising earnings, use new features like YouTube Shorts, and find other ways to make money.

Here are some ideas to help you get the most out of each upload:

  • Focus on niches that have a lot of worth. For example, topics like finance, technology, and health have higher CPMs.
  • Make sure the content is of high quality and interesting. Ad places and rates can improve if viewers are interested and watch for a long time.
  • Know your audience. Tailor your content to the tastes of a group of people that marketers want to reach.
  • Scheduled uploads: Posting regularly can help you get more hits and make more money from ads.
  • Making money with YouTube Shorts
  • YouTube’s answer to the trend of short videos, these can be used to make money, but they are different from regular videos.

Methods for making money off of shorts:

  • Bring People to Your Regular Videos: Use Shorts to get people to your channel and to watch your longer, paid videos.
  • Get more subscribers: More subscribers can mean more views on your content that you can sell.
  • Engage with Your Audience: If you have a lot of activity on Shorts, it can help people find your channel and make it more appealing to advertisers.

Getting different sources of income

Here are a few more ways to make money on YouTube:

  • Channel memberships: Members can pay to become a member of your channel and get special benefits like awards, emojis, and access to content that is only available to members.
  • Super Chat and Super Stickers: Turn these on during live streams so that people can pay to have their comments stand out.
  • Products on a Shelf: Work with merchandise platforms to sell your own branded goods through your YouTube account.
  • Sponsored Content: Make content with brands that shows off their goods or services by working with brands. In addition to YouTube’s ad system, this can be a big way to make money.
  • Affiliate marketing: Talk about goods in your videos and put affiliate links in the text of your videos. For every sale that comes from these links, you get paid some money.

How to start making money on YouTube

If you want to start making money on YouTube, you need a plan that follows YouTube’s rules, engages your audience well, and works on constant growth and quality improvement. These steps are broken down below:

Making a content plan that works with YouTube’s rules for making money

You should start by reading through YouTube’s rules. To be eligible, your video must follow these rules if you want to learn how to make money on YouTube.

This means staying away from copyrighted content, following group rules, and not talking about things that are controversial or not allowed.

Next, find an interest niche that you’re really interested in and that has a YouTube audience. Having a clear niche helps you write content that will appeal to a certain group of people.

It’s now time to make a content plan. Posting new videos on a regular basis gets people interested and helps you keep a regular viewer base.

Lastly, use buzzwords, catchy titles, descriptions, and tags to make your YouTube videos more visible in search results. Using good SEO techniques can help you reach a lot more people on the site.

Getting involved with your community to get more people to watch and stay loyal

Asking questions, letting people respond, and coming up with ideas for future videos are all good ways to get people to interact with your content. This interaction makes people more interested, which is important for YouTube’s suggestion algorithm.

By responding to comments on your videos, you can help build a community and make your fans feel like they can connect with you.

Once you have enough followers, use YouTube Stories and the “Community” tab to keep people interested when you’re not posting videos.

Live streaming is also a good way to answer questions, connect with your audience in real time, and get to know your viewers better.

Advice on how to get more subscribers and make your videos better

  1. Quality over quantity: Don’t just focus on making a lot of content; make sure it’s good content as well. Better production quality, like good lighting, clear audio, and high-resolution video, can keep viewers longer and get more members.
  2. Consistent presentation and brand: Make sure that your brand and presentation style are the same in all of your videos. This includes a uniform beginning and end, as well as a look and feel that people will come to recognise.
  3. Collaborations: Work with other YouTubers in the same field as you. This can help you get more subscribers and show your station to more people.
  4. Promoting on multiple platforms: To get more people to watch your YouTube page, promote your videos on other social media sites.
  5. Look at your results: Check your YouTube Analytics often to see what works and what doesn’t. This information can help you plan your content so that you make more of what your audience likes.
  6. Calls to action: In your videos, include a call to action that tells people to like, discuss, share, and subscribe. This could help your movie rank higher on YouTube.

How to really make money on YouTube

There are a lot of false beliefs about how to make money on YouTube, like how to get rich quick and easy. But the real picture requires consistent work, the ability to change, and an understanding of how the platform works.

Using numbers to bust myths

There is a lot of competition on YouTube, where more than 500 hours of video are posted every minute. It usually takes time to build a big audience. For instance, a lot of channels don’t start making real money until they get tens of thousands of members and steady high viewership.

A popular video can keep making money, but YouTube’s algorithm likes material that is new and updated often. When channels stop uploading, their earnings and users often drop by a lot.

Thoughts on hard work and sticking with it

Every month, 1.4 million people watch videos on the top 3% of YouTube sites. Getting to this level usually means consistently posting high-quality content at the same time every day.

Channels that interact with their viewers by doing things like replying to comments or letting viewers help make content tend to keep more of their viewers. This kind of participation can lead to more views and more money from ads.

YouTube’s formula is always changing. Channels that respond to these changes by updating their content approach can keep their viewers and make money.

Stories of success

1. PewDiePie is really Felix Kjellberg.

PewDiePie’s show began in 2010 and took a while to get popular.

    He has 111 million followers as of 2024. His journey shows what can happen when you keep making content and engaging with your community over time.


    2. Author: Marques Brownlee

    Over 18 million people have signed up for MKBHD since 2008. The success of his channel is due in large part to how carefully he reviews tech products and how well his videos are made.

      It took Marques a few years to get his station to a point where it could make him money.

       Author: Marques Brownlee

      3. Lilly Singh (Wonder Woman)

      Lilly’s channel has more than 14 million followers since it began in 2010. Her growth shows how important it is to make material that people can relate to and change it based on what people want.

        She didn’t get a million subscribers until 2013. This shows that her rise was steady and slow.

        Lilly Singh

        Last thoughts

        Most of the time, YouTube success doesn’t happen right away. It comes from constant work on making content, keeping audiences interested, and adapting to the platform’s changing rules and algorithms.

        For new creators, this could mean spending a lot of time finding their style and voice, building an audience, and learning what their fans like.

        YouTube also makes money in a lot of different ways, from the more standard ad revenue to newer ways like channel memberships and super chats.

        To get around this, you need to know how the platform works and come up with creative ways to add these revenue streams to your content plan without changing the quality or authenticity of the content.

        The good news is that YouTube’s audience is very diverse, so there’s almost always someone watching every kind of material. This makes it a great place for people who want to try new things.

        It’s important to see making money on YouTube not just as a goal, but as a process that involves learning, changing, and always trying to make material that connects with and benefits the audience.


        1. How many YouTube views do you need to get paid?

        You need to be a part of the YouTube Partner Programme (YPP) to start making money from YouTube. You need 1,000 members and 4,000 watch hours in the last 12 months to do this. There is no set number of views needed to start making money, but more views can mean more money.

        2. How much money can you make on YouTube if 1000 people watch your video?

        Cost Per Mille (CPM) earnings for 1,000 views vary a lot based on things like the region, the niche of the video, and the quality of the audience. Creators can make between $0.50 and $6.00 for every 1,000 hits, but this amount can go up or down.

        3. How to get $10,000 a month on YouTube without making videos?

        Making this much money without making your own material is hard and usually not possible in the long term. Some ideas might work, like collecting and licencing material or using YouTube for affiliate marketing or to sell other goods and services. These methods do have their flaws, though, and they don’t always work as well as writing original material.

        4. If you’re new to YouTube, can you still make money?

        As a beginner, you should first focus on making consistent, high-quality content and building your audience until you meet the YPP requirements of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours. You can start making money in the YPP through ads, memberships, super chats, and maybe even affiliate marketing and donations.

        5. How many views do I need on YouTube to make $5,000 a month?

        This is very much based on your CPM. If the average CPM is $2, you would need about 2.5 million views a month (after YouTube takes its cut) to make $5,000.

        6. How many YouTube views do you need every month to make $1,500?

        If the cost per thousand views is $2, you’d need about 750,000 views a month to make $1,500.

        7. How much does YouTube pay for a very big hit?

        This changes a great deal. If the cost per thousand views is $2, then 1 billion views could bring in about $2,000,000 before YouTube takes its cut. The amount would be around $1,100,000 after YouTube takes its cut (45%).

        8. How much does a YouTuber make?

        YouTube doesn’t pay people. Ad income, sponsorships, and other ways of making money are used to make money. These can be anywhere from a few dollars to millions of dollars a year, based on how popular and niche the channel is.

        9. How much does a YouTuber who has a million fans make?

        It’s not a set amount because wages depend on things like niche, engagement, and views. Different people may make $5,000 a month, $30,000 or more, or even more. Sponsorships and selling goods can also bring in a lot of money.

        10. Can you live off the money you make on YouTube?

        Yes, a lot of YouTubers make enough money from YouTube to live on, but they usually need a lot of active subscribers, to keep making videos, and to have more than one way to make money.

        11. Who has the most money on YouTube?

        MrBeast has a net worth of $500 million, making him the richest YouTuber right now.

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