How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Book in One Day

How to Use ChatGPT to Write a Book in One Day

Amazon just put out a new rule that says self-published authors can only put out three books a day on its Kindle direct app.

In a normal world, it would be hard for an author to get one book out every year.

Now, though, AI has changed everything and broken the rules of the old world.

And why did Amazon add this strange new rule?

It is afraid that creative AI will make too many books for it to handle.

You can write a new book in just a few hours if you use the right prompt tech. Most of these new books are nonfiction.

Hey, welcome to the world.

How do you do rapid engineering?

“Prompt engineering” according to McKinsey and Company is the process of creating inputs for creative AI tools that will lead to the best results.

“Ask better questions and you will get better answers”

It makes a better book, or it works better.

Okay, a quick book.

Why it’s important

If you ask the right questions, you can get a much better result. But to be good at something, you need years of experience to be able to ask the right questions.

As an example:

  • A skilled and experienced product designer will know what questions to ask AI in order to come up with a great idea for a product.
  • A fashion designer will know how to make a good idea for a new shoe or piece of clothing even better.
  • An engineer will know all the complicated steps needed to make a new building that meets all the design and structural standards.

To ask the right questions, you need to know the tricks that work for that area. In the world of AI, it would be “Make the right prompts.”

How about we take a better look?

Going further

Human creativity is sometimes limited by the limits that our natural and cultivated minds put on us, making it harder for us to see new things.

It’s magic when you can take different ideas and new combinations from a real-world product, like architecture, and add an AI-powered and reimagined twist to them.

AI made building better

Here are some ideas for how AI could be used to improve and add to the Sydney Opera House. They include work by famous builders Zaha Hadid and Frank Gehry.

Zaha Hadid
Frank Gehry

You can find more of this in a collection on imaginedarchitecture’s Instagram.

Even the smartest architects would have a hard time picturing this, and the idea of using AI to mix our set ways of thinking in new ways is both exciting and scary.

AI Books

Amazon has put a limit of three books per day and also given some “Content Guidelines” about books that were made by AI or with help from AI. This is to stop robots from writing too many books.

“When you publish a new book or make changes to an existing book and republish it through KDP, you must let us know about any text, images, or translations that were created by AI.” Cover and interior photos, as well as artwork, are examples of pictures made by AI. You are not needed to say that AI was used to help with the content. There is a difference between content made by AI and content made with AI’s help.

Some Amazon books that were made with ChatGPT

There are now hundreds of books on Amazon that were written with AI. Here are a few to give you ideas. They range from kids’ “how to” books with pictures to cooking books and everything in between.

First, there’s “The Wise Little Squirrel: A Tale of Saving and Investing.”

The first book written by ChatGPT and published on Amazon on January 24, 2023, was given to Brett Schler.

AI Books


“The Wise Little Squirrel: A Tale of Saving and Investing” is a cute and interesting children’s book that explains why saving and investing are important in a way that is fun and easy to understand.

The story is about a smart and resourceful squirrel named Sammy who finds a shiny gold coin while collecting acorns. Sammy learns from his friends Benny the Bear and Lily the Chipmunk how important it is to save money and spend it in order to reach his goals.

Example 2. Classic Yoghurt Caesar Salad (A New Take on an Old Favourite with a Healthier Twist)

It says that Chat GPT (Author) and Afaq Hameed (Author) wrote it.

Classic Yogurt Caesar Salad


“Classic Yoghurt Caesar Salad: Reimagining the Timeless Favourite with a Healthy Twist” is a cookbook that takes the popular Caesar Salad and gives it a new, healthy look. Find out how well the flavours go together when we swap out the usual ingredients for a creamy yogurt-based dressing that adds a tangy sweetness without changing the taste.

This book has a bunch of tempting recipes that will satisfy your hunger pangs while also encouraging you to live a healthy life.

Example 3. ChatGPT for Digital Marketers in a Book

It has 51 pages and came out on April 10, 2023. It was written by ChatGPT and Holly Picano.

ChatGPT for Digital Marketers

Brief Description

The book ChatGPT for Digital Marketers is a complete guide to using language models driven by AI in digital marketing.

This book, which was written by professor and digital marketing expert Holly Picano, goes over everything from the basics of ChatGPT technology to more advanced ways to use it in your marketing.

Book 4. Five Secrets: How to Get Rich

It was written by “ChatGPT” and came out on September 12, 2023, with 38 pages.

How To Build Wealth

Brief Description

This book, “The Wealth Builder’s Blueprint,” is both useful and informative. It gives readers a complete plan for getting rich and being financially successful. This book takes years of knowledge and experience and turns it into steps that anyone can take to protect their financial future.

How to Write a Book in One Day with ChatGPT: 7 Steps

What kinds of questions do you need to ask ChatGPT in order to write a neat and interesting book?

A short non-fiction book is the best place to start. One type of book that works well is the “How To” book.

Here are seven easy steps that will help you write a book with ChatGPT.

Step 1: Type in the subject, like “Make a plan for a 10-chapter book on “How to Be Happy.”

Step 2: Come up with 10 different book titles, each with a subtopic about “How to Be Happy.”

Step 3: Write an opening to the book in any tone you want, whether it’s funny, serious, or something else.

Step 4: Give ChatGPT the title of each chapter and ask it to write 1,000 words about it.

Step 5: For each chapter topic, give real-life examples or stories.

Step 6: Do this again and again for each chapter.

For the seventh step, ask ChatGPT to write the ending.

This is a quick summary of how to use ChatGPT to write a book in one day.

So this isn’t a set of rules you have to follow. It’s just an idea that you can play with and change to fit your needs.

Have fun and try different things until you find what works for you.

Check out this tool that can help you write a book with AI.

There have been many tools made to help with many different jobs since the rise of AI generators at the end of 2022.

You should check out this AI tool:

How to write a book in one day



Book-In-A-Click says you can write a book in minutes, but ChatGPT seems to repeat itself a lot of the time and needs extra work. It is run by technology from

From their website, here is an outline of how it works, what the perks are, and how much it costs.

How does it do its job?

Book-in-a-Click is run by ChatGPT, but there’s a really cool twist. It uses the full power of Book in a Click’sTM function, which has been fine-tuned to write a book that flows smoothly and doesn’t repeat itself (unlike other software).

It’s very simple to use the app—just pick Fiction Novels or Non Fiction, type in the name of the book, and choose how many chapters you want to read.

After giving the app all the information it needs, click “Generate,” and in seconds you’ll have a full book that you can read or make changes to.

What’s good about it?

It can take months or even years to write a book, which is a lot of time. You can make a full book in minutes with Book-in-a-Click, which saves you time and work. The app does all the work, so you don’t have to look at a blank page and think where to begin.

ChatGPT’s AI technology makes sure that the material it creates is of the highest quality, with correct grammar, formatting, and structure. Because the app was made with this in mind, you won’t have to worry about typos or bad grammar.



The wrap-up

The worlds of AI and ChatGPT are making people more creative and productive than ever before. Our idea of “normal” is being pushed to its limits when we read a book in one day instead of one year. We need to find ways to do more with less while also making sure we don’t lose our way along the way.

How can we change the way we think about and accept the status quo so that it adds to things instead of taking them away? AI and ChatGPT are tools that help us be smarter and more human. We must be careful not to serve it. Give the tech everything.

So use the robot to help you write, and add stories and a human touch to it.

The lines between machines and people are getting less clear. Take pleasure in the oddity of being human in a world full of AI.