How to Do Affiliate Advertising Looking into keywords

How to Do Affiliate Advertising Looking into keywords

A lot of things can affect how well your partner keyword marketing works. One important thing that affiliate websites need to do is study on keywords. If you use the right keywords, it will be easier for people to find your information.

If you use the wrong keywords on your affiliate site, you won’t be able to get the right visitors or viewers to buy things.

That’s why this guide will teach you different types of keywords, how to use them in your content, and why keyword study is important for affiliate marketing.

What does partner marketing mean?

Affiliate marketing is a business plan in which a company pays you a cut of the sales you bring them.

When someone buys something through your partner link, you get paid a small amount. Companies pay less commission on real goods (like those you’d find on Amazon) and more commission on informational goods (like eBooks).

Why? It’s not cheap to make copies of real products, but it’s very cheap to make copies of digital products.

Why is it important to do keyword study for affiliate marketing?

Some terms, like long-tail keywords, are very important in affiliate marketing. Figuring out what your keywords mean will help you find material that is useful and relevant for your audience.

For instance, people look for the best routers and compare the pros and cons of various wifi options before making a purchase. If you write a piece about the top ten other routers, you can talk about each one and let readers decide which one to buy.

keyword study for affiliate marketing

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It’s important to write material based on keywords that lead to sales and conversions. If you’re an affiliate marketer, you want to make money from sales, so your blog posts should be useful to people. Your business will only be successful if you can find this mix between getting more affiliate income and giving your readers useful information.

How to find keywords for companies that sell things

Picking a good niche is the first thing you need to do to make a partner website that does well. You can start looking for affiliate keywords once you have an area to work in. To find keywords for your partner website, do these steps.

1. Pick a business area that will make you money.

To be successful as an affiliate marketer, you need to find an area that makes money and build a site about something you’re interested in. As an example, I’m a vegan and love to read, talk, and spread the word about being vegan.

“Veganism niches” came up in my Google search, and I got a few ideas for partner sites I can make in the vegan space. These are some great ideas:

  • Personal care items that don’t test on animals
  • Review of beauty items that don’t test on animals
  • Home delivery services that bring vegan food, like SunBasket, Sakara, or Daily Harvest

Use Quora to find more keyword study topics because it has a lot of content created by real people talking about real issues.

Stee Ellis

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It also asked specific things like

  • One can expect to live longer in X country. They don’t eat plants. Why?
  • Do vegans get veggie food in jail?

This is what affiliate keyword study is meant to do:

  1. Find keywords that people are actually looking for to make affiliate earnings.
  2. Go for a low-competition site to easily rank.
  3. Keep an eye on trends to make money.

I found more things about veganism, such as how to stop craving dairy. Your partner blog can be better if you answer these questions. Sites with a lot of authority usually don’t answer these questions.

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This is just one case. This approach works for any niche on a large scale.

Do not limit yourself to just one or two niches. Based on your hobbies, look into a few different niches. Check out Clickbank to see if there are affiliate items in the niche you want to work in. This is a list of the Clickbank items that sell the most.


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When you do your research on Clickbank, keep these things in mind:

  • Are there any goods that are like the one you want?
  • What are the best-selling items in your niche?
  • Are people writing bad things about these products?
  • Are people complaining about any issues with these goods?

When I search for “vegan” on Clickbank, I see supplements and eBooks that I can sell.

As a last check, use AdWords to see how much your preferred keywords cost per click. The marketer is more interested in a keyword and the more money they can make with it if the CPC is high.

2. Get detailed ideas for keywords

Do an in-depth study first to come up with specific keyword ideas. If you write about health, think about which items you can talk about. For example, weight loss products are a big sub-niche for health. There are many weight loss products that people look for, such as the Dash Diet for Weight Loss, the Mediterranean Diet Cookbook, and others. You can promote these products.

Use Google Trends to get a list of buzzwords that are trending in the same way. Please sort the results by the number of searches, the time range (a few months to several years), the category, and the location. That will help you come up with a long list of themes.

I got a lot of good terms when I searched for “vegan diet” on Google Trends, such as “Canelo vegan diet,” “vegan diet for fatty liver,” and so on.

Google Trends

Trends on Google
One of the topics that Google Trends shows is fatty liver disease. Another is the possible link between sugary drinks and liver disease. All of these are possible things I could look into to reach my audience.

For more in-depth study, use Web CEO to find keywords that are organised by how hard they are to find. It gives you a lot of related keyword ideas for your target group and shows you search terms with high and low difficulty scores. When you go to a competitor’s site, you can see how their keywords rank and see which pages get the most visitors.

Keyword Research

3. For keyword study, use search intent

Next, pay attention to what people are looking for. It’s not always clear to everyone what their problems are. It is very important to use specific affiliate keywords to help people find your goods or services and buy them. Let’s look at some different kinds of keywords:

  • Words that match phrases

A phrase match is a strong match type that generally has two to three words and your keyword with a lot of search intent. For example, best vegan diets, top vegan diets, or favourite SEO tools are all phrases that match.

Words that match phrases
  • Keywords for comparing the best vegan diet products or brands

There are keywords that compare two brands that sell similar goods. For example, WebCEO vs. SEMrush are two keyword research tools that are compared. There isn’t as much competition for brand comparison terms, and they work well.

Keywords for comparing the best vegan diet products or brands
  • Semrush Product Review Keywords Side by Side

Product review terms give in-depth analyses of specific goods or services. People who look for these keywords are almost ready to buy, which is great for affiliate sites. To get more people to click through to your reviews, give them stars.

Semrush Product Review Keywords Side by Side
  • Key words for Web-CEO trust and power

Trust and authority keywords (T&A) focus on non-business areas that you can use to teach and inform your visitors. Getting people to believe you and giving you authority through links is the best thing about these keywords. To get good links, find things that people in your target audience would be interested in. As an example, the Law Offices of Jay S. Knispel regularly writes blog posts with T&A keywords to get people to come in and talk about their problems:

Key words for Web-CEO trust and power
  • Keywords for Jay S Freebie

People who are looking for an easy-to-find alternative to a product can find information using these terms. For instance, the reader doesn’t want to buy beauty items and doesn’t want to use harsh chemicals to get rid of acne.

Keywords for Jay S Freebie
  • Seasonal search terms

People don’t look for these affiliate keywords all year long. Instead, they are related to holidays and times of the year, like Black Friday, Christmas, Halloween, etc. Seasonal keywords get a lot of traffic, results, and sales during these busy times. In order to get the most out of the holiday season, you should plan ahead for these events.

For instance, it seems like the most car crashes happen in the summer. Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, P.C. got ready for this season by writing a blog series about how to stay safe when there is a lot of traffic.

Seasonal search terms

4. How to Get Serious With Keyword Data

By filtering keyword data, you can get rid of search terms that are too competitive or that aren’t relevant to your business and aren’t worth your time. To get a better idea of keyword competition, look at how many times each keyword is searched for each month and SERP elements like featured snippets.

For each blog post or topic, make a phrase group. There are several ways to group your terms together:

  • You can put together a group of words that all mean the same thing, such as video editor, video snipper, video editing tool, Adobe tools, Canva video editor, and more.
  • You can group terms by how often people look for them or how hard they are to find. Put together keywords that have a lot of or few searches or that are hard or easy to find.

To arrange your final ideas, use mind maps or spreadsheets. Look at your rivals’ Google rankings for the keywords you want to rank for and compare yours to theirs to see if you can get ahead of them.

You can focus on your tasks and get the best results by using project management tools to make keyword research easier and keep track of many smaller tasks.

Keyword Data

Conclusion of the Daily Planner

To get more sales and bring the right people to your affiliate site, you need to do research on the right keywords. You should now have a better idea of what affiliate keyword research is and how to find keywords that will make money for your content.

Mix phrase-match terms with long-tail keywords to reach a wider range of people. Don’t be afraid to try out different ways to target keywords until you find the best one for you. Don’t forget to stay away from term stuffing and write content that sounds real.